5th Annual SCTE Mt Rainier Chapter Motorcycle ride

It’s time to start getting ready for the 5th annual Mt. Rainier SCTE Chapter MC ride.

As in the past this ride is open to any SCTE members, or guests of a member, so feel free to share this email with other riders who are members.

If you’d like to join the SCTE let us know and we can get you setup!

We are doing the same ride we ran last year, but in reverse. (Friday - Smoky Pt. HD dealership to Winthrop, then Saturday - Winthrop to Monroe)

The ride will be July 12/13th with an end point (TBD) for those who don’t want to do an over-night in Winthrop.

We will be providing free shirts for all riders (we need shirt sizes when you register on the SCTE National site), and if we have sponsorship money left over we will put that towards rooms for those who wish to stay in Winthrop Friday evening. So if you know any sponsors who would like to help us out have them register on the website!

Time of start and the exact route is still a work in progress by the committee.

This continues to be one of our chapters annual highlights of held events so get the dates on your calendars!

Either click below or copy and paste this link


Upcoming Training Opportunity 02/27/2019

Amphenol Cable and the Mt Rainer SCTE chapter present MoCA 101: MoCA Signal Path to Success. This training will explain what MoCA is and what MoCA can do. It will give us an in-depth look into the technology as well as cover best practices on how to properly install MoCA networks and configurations including MoCA Passives, Amps, and point of entry filters.

Wednesday, February 27th at 8am. Be there!

Above you’ll find the link to register for the webinar. please do so at your earliest convenience if you haven’t yet.
