The 4th annual Pioneer Dinner & Vendor show is on the horizon! SCTE Mt. Rainier Chapter is excited to announce our guest speakers at this year's Pioneer Dinner and Vendor Show luncheon!
The Pioneer Dinner kicks off at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, November 14th and we are excited to be joined by guest speakers Jeff Votaw, California Region Vice President of Technical Operations at Comcast; and Randy Love, the SCTE Region 3 Director. We look forward to the opportunity to have these gentlemen talk with us about the industry, where it’s been and the direction it is going!
Our Vendor Show beings at 8:00am on Wednesday, November 15th and we are pleased to announce that Redmond Ramos will be our guest speaker during the Vendor Show luncheon!
Ramos was a Navy corpsman in the Marines when he lost his leg to an IED in Afghanistan in 2011. Following his recovery, Ramos has achieved a variety of outstanding accomplishments in his new life, including 2015 Triumph Games Champion and competing in season 29 of "The Amazing Race."
For more information on our guest, please visit
To register, click the links below for the Pioneer Dinner and Vendor Show!