Upcoming Training Opportunity 02/27/2019

Amphenol Cable and the Mt Rainer SCTE chapter present MoCA 101: MoCA Signal Path to Success. This training will explain what MoCA is and what MoCA can do. It will give us an in-depth look into the technology as well as cover best practices on how to properly install MoCA networks and configurations including MoCA Passives, Amps, and point of entry filters.

Wednesday, February 27th at 8am. Be there!

Above you’ll find the link to register for the webinar. please do so at your earliest convenience if you haven’t yet.


Announcing our 2019 Board of Directors

Please join us in congratulating our 7 newly elected 2019/2020 Board of Directors (in alphabetical order):

Michael Barrett

Jon Berg

Bruce Gladner

Arnoldo Gonzalez

Toby Hooker

Bill O’Dea

Kirby White

They will join or existing board members (in alphabetical order):

Todd Clark

Roger Draper

Trevor Gould

Steve Hiatt

Jim Taxdahl

Pat Yomes

Thanks for your help with our survey, and congratulations to this years Board of Directors!