SCTE - CommScope MoCA Passives & MoCA Basics

Join us on this Wednesday morning for a virtual led training delivered by Commscope and the Mt Rainier SCTE chapter.

MoCA Home provides residential customers the experience they demand for reliable working, learning and streaming. MoCA technology features the performance, low latency and security necessary for a reliable home network using the existing coaxial cabling while being the fastest, most reliable in-home backbone for Wi-Fi and has been adopted by cable, telco/IPTV and satellite operators worldwide

Click here to join the meeting

2021 Board of Directors Announcement

Check out the 2021 Board of Directors - also updated in the “Our Chapter” tab at the top of this page

Board Of Directors


-         Michael Barrett                                 - Roger Draper

-         Jon Berg (President)                         - Trevor Gould

-         Craig Bunker (V.P.)                           - Steve Hiatt (Chairman)

-         Liz Carpenter (Secretary)                 - Toby Hooker

-         Todd Clark                                           - David Howard

-         James Cohn (Treasure)                     - Bill O’Dea


Associate Board 


-         Ryan Bruce                                         - Sean Hensley

-         Travis Burchell                                   - Thomas Pacheco

-         Lance Cooper                                     - Eric Post  

-         Randy Dahms                                     - George Nunez

-         Teaira Danielson                               - Dan Reilly

-         Mark Ensign                                       - Josh Taylor

-         J.D. France                                          - Matt Wichman

Mallory Handlon

2021 Membership (Comcast CAP Update)

Membership Renewal for 2021

Members who joined prior to November 2020 will receive a renewal email in late January. If you do not receive the renewal email, please check your “Junk” or “Other” folders. Still can’t find it? Follow these easy steps to complete your renewal:

  1. Click here and watch two short videos about SCTE•ISBE.

  2. After the videos, you’ll see a prompt to click on the Renew Now button, which will open a new email for your renewal. Just add your full name and Comcast email address and press send!

If you have any questions, contact

2021 New Membership

Not an SCTE•ISBE member yet? Visit and follow these easy steps to join:

  1. Create your account. Enter your Comcast email address and choose Comcast Cable Communications as your company from the Primary Organization field. NOTE: The promotion code will not work if you select any other Primary Organization name.

  2. Complete your Member Profile and Professional Affiliation.

  3. Select CAP as your membership type and hit Apply.

  4. Enter code MBRCOMCAST21 in the box that states “Validate eligibility for Corporate Alliance Membership.”

  5. Click Submit to activate your membership.